During pregnancy, women often suffer from backache and muscle fatigue, thus causing insomnia, anxiety and depression. Pregnant massage is exactly the solution for this. The practice is effective in reducing pain, stress and tiredness, helping expectant mothers to be relaxed and enjoy their sleep better. Pregnant massage also improves blood circulation, bringing more oxygen to the baby and keeping him/her safer, healthier inside the womb.


    • Step 1: Run the heated oiled body
    • Step 2: massage, stroking, rubbing shoulders, waist ( prone the right )
    • Step 3: massage, stroking, rubbing shoulders, waist ( prone the left )
    • Step 4: massage, legs, hand
    • Step 5: head massage, shoulder, neck finish

PREGNANT MASSAGE During pregnancy, women often suffer from backache and muscle fatigue, thus causing insomnia, anxiety and depression. Pregnant massage is exactly the solution for this. The practice is effective in reducing pain, stress and tiredness, helping expectant mothers to be relaxed and enjoy their sleep better. Pregnant massage also improves blood circulation, bringing more…